Source code for pyobo.struct.struct

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Data structures for OBO."""

import gzip
import json
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import datetime
from operator import attrgetter
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import (

import bioregistry
import click
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
from more_click import force_option, verbose_option
from networkx.utils import open_file
from import tqdm
from typing_extensions import Literal

from .reference import Reference, Referenced
from .typedef import (
from .utils import comma_separate, obo_escape_slim
from ..constants import (
from ..identifier_utils import normalize_curie
from import multidict, write_iterable_tsv
from ..utils.misc import obo_to_obograph, obo_to_owl
from ..utils.path import get_prefix_obo_path, prefix_directory_join

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SynonymSpecificity = Literal["EXACT", "NARROW", "BROAD", "RELATED"]
SynonymSpecificities: Sequence[SynonymSpecificity] = ("EXACT", "NARROW", "BROAD", "RELATED")

[docs]@dataclass class Synonym: """A synonym with optional specificity and references.""" #: The string representing the synonym name: str #: The specificity of the synonym specificity: SynonymSpecificity = "EXACT" #: The type of synonym. Must be defined in OBO document! type: Optional["SynonymTypeDef"] = None #: References to articles where the synonym appears provenance: List[Reference] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] def to_obo(self) -> str: """Write this synonym as an OBO line to appear in a [Term] stanza.""" return f"synonym: {self._fp()}"
def _fp(self) -> str: x = f'"{self._escape(}" {self.specificity}' if self.type: x = f"{x} {}" return f"{x} [{comma_separate(self.provenance)}]" @staticmethod def _escape(s: str) -> str: return s.replace('"', '\\"')
[docs]@dataclass class SynonymTypeDef: """A type definition for synonyms in OBO.""" id: str name: str specificity: Optional[SynonymSpecificity] = None
[docs] def to_obo(self) -> str: """Serialize to OBO.""" if self.specificity: return f'synonymtypedef: {} "{}" {self.specificity}' else: return f'synonymtypedef: {} "{}"'
[docs] @classmethod def from_text( cls, text: str, specificity: Optional[SynonymSpecificity] = None ) -> "SynonymTypeDef": """Get a type definition from text that's normalized.""" return cls( id=text.lower() .replace("-", "_") .replace(" ", "_") .replace('"', "") .replace(")", "") .replace("(", ""), name=text.replace('"', ""), specificity=specificity, )
ReferenceHint = Union[Reference, "Term", Tuple[str, str], str] def _ensure_ref(reference: ReferenceHint) -> Reference: if reference is None: raise ValueError("can not append null reference") if isinstance(reference, Term): return reference.reference if isinstance(reference, str): _rv = Reference.from_curie(reference) if _rv is None: raise ValueError return _rv if isinstance(reference, tuple): return Reference(*reference) if isinstance(reference, Reference): return reference raise TypeError
[docs]@dataclass class Term(Referenced): """A term in OBO.""" #: The primary reference for the entity reference: Reference #: A description of the entity definition: Optional[str] = None #: References to articles in which the term appears provenance: List[Reference] = field(default_factory=list) #: Relationships defined by [Typedef] stanzas relationships: Dict[TypeDef, List[Reference]] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(list)) #: Properties, which are not defined with Typedef and have scalar values instead of references. properties: Dict[str, List[str]] = field(default_factory=lambda: defaultdict(list)) #: Relationships with the default "is_a" parents: List[Reference] = field(default_factory=list) #: Synonyms of this term synonyms: List[Synonym] = field(default_factory=list) #: Equivalent references xrefs: List[Reference] = field(default_factory=list) xref_types: List[Reference] = field(default_factory=list) #: Alternate Identifiers alt_ids: List[Reference] = field(default_factory=list) #: The sub-namespace within the ontology namespace: Optional[str] = None #: An annotation for obsolescence. By default, is None, but this means that it is not obsolete. is_obsolete: Optional[bool] = None def __hash__(self): # noqa: D105 return hash((self.__class__, self.prefix, self.identifier))
[docs] @classmethod def from_triple( cls, prefix: str, identifier: str, name: Optional[str] = None, definition: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "Term": """Create a term from a reference.""" return cls( reference=Reference(prefix=prefix, identifier=identifier, name=name), definition=definition, )
[docs] @classmethod def auto( cls, prefix: str, identifier: str, ) -> "Term": """Create a term from a reference.""" from ..api import get_definition return cls(, identifier=identifier), definition=get_definition(prefix, identifier), )
[docs] @classmethod def from_curie(cls, curie: str, name: Optional[str] = None) -> "Term": """Create a term directly from a CURIE and optional name.""" prefix, identifier = normalize_curie(curie) if prefix is None or identifier is None: raise ValueError return cls.from_triple(prefix=prefix, identifier=identifier, name=name)
[docs] def get_url(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return a URL for this term's reference, if possible.""" return self.reference.get_url()
[docs] def append_provenance(self, reference: ReferenceHint) -> None: """Add a provenance reference.""" self.provenance.append(_ensure_ref(reference))
[docs] def append_synonym( self, synonym: Union[str, Synonym], type: Optional[SynonymTypeDef] = None ) -> None: """Add a synonym.""" if isinstance(synonym, str): synonym = Synonym(synonym, type=type) self.synonyms.append(synonym)
[docs] def append_alt(self, alt: Union[str, Reference]) -> None: """Add an alternative identifier.""" if isinstance(alt, str): alt = Reference(prefix=self.prefix, identifier=alt) self.alt_ids.append(alt)
[docs] def append_parent(self, reference: ReferenceHint) -> "Term": """Add a parent to this entity.""" self.parents.append(_ensure_ref(reference)) return self
[docs] def extend_parents(self, references: Collection[Reference]) -> None: """Add a collection of parents to this entity.""" if any(x is None for x in references): raise ValueError("can not append a collection of parents containing a null parent") self.parents.extend(references)
[docs] def get_properties(self, prop) -> List[str]: """Get properties from the given key.""" return[prop]
[docs] def get_property(self, prop) -> Optional[str]: """Get a single property of the given key.""" r = self.get_properties(prop) if not r: return None if len(r) != 1: raise ValueError return r[0]
[docs] def get_relationship(self, typedef: TypeDef) -> Optional[Reference]: """Get a single relationship of the given type.""" r = self.get_relationships(typedef) if not r: return None if len(r) != 1: raise ValueError return r[0]
[docs] def get_relationships(self, typedef: TypeDef) -> List[Reference]: """Get relationships from the given type.""" return self.relationships[typedef]
[docs] def append_xref(self, reference: ReferenceHint) -> None: """Append an xref.""" self.xrefs.append(_ensure_ref(reference))
[docs] def append_relationship(self, typedef: TypeDef, reference: ReferenceHint) -> None: """Append a relationship.""" self.relationships[typedef].append(_ensure_ref(reference))
[docs] def set_species(self, identifier: str, name: Optional[str] = None): """Append the from_species relation.""" if name is None: import pyobo name = pyobo.get_name(NCBITAXON_PREFIX, identifier) self.append_relationship( from_species, Reference(prefix=NCBITAXON_PREFIX, identifier=identifier, name=name) )
[docs] def get_species(self, prefix: str = NCBITAXON_PREFIX) -> Optional[Reference]: """Get the species if it exists. :param prefix: The prefix to use in case the term has several species annotations. """ for species in self.relationships.get(from_species, []): if species.prefix == prefix: return species return None
[docs] def extend_relationship(self, typedef: TypeDef, references: Iterable[Reference]) -> None: """Append several relationships.""" if any(x is None for x in references): raise ValueError("can not extend a collection that includes a null reference") self.relationships[typedef].extend(references)
[docs] def append_property(self, prop: str, value: str) -> None: """Append a property."""[prop].append(value)
def _definition_fp(self) -> str: assert self.definition is not None return f'"{obo_escape_slim(self.definition)}" [{comma_separate(self.provenance)}]'
[docs] def iterate_relations(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[TypeDef, Reference]]: """Iterate over pairs of typedefs and targets.""" for typedef, targets in self.relationships.items(): for target in targets: yield typedef, target
[docs] def iterate_properties(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: """Iterate over pairs of property and values.""" for prop, values in for value in values: yield prop, value
[docs] def iterate_obo_lines(self, write_relation_comments: bool = True) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate over the lines to write in an OBO file.""" yield "\n[Term]" yield f"id: {self.curie}" if yield f"name: {obo_escape_slim(}" if self.namespace and self.namespace != "?": namespace_normalized = ( self.namespace.replace(" ", "_").replace("-", "_").replace("(", "").replace(")", "") ) yield f"namespace: {namespace_normalized}" if self.definition: yield f"def: {self._definition_fp()}" for xref in sorted(self.xrefs, key=attrgetter("prefix", "identifier")): yield f"xref: {xref}" for parent in sorted(self.parents, key=attrgetter("prefix", "identifier")): yield f"is_a: {parent}" for typedef, references in sorted(self.relationships.items(), key=_sort_relations): for reference in sorted(references, key=attrgetter("prefix", "identifier")): s = f"relationship: {typedef.curie} {reference.curie}" if or s += " !" if s += f" {}" if s += f" {}" yield s for prop, value in sorted(self.iterate_properties()): yield f'property_value: {prop} "{value}" xsd:string' # TODO deal with types later for synonym in sorted(self.synonyms, key=attrgetter("name")): yield synonym.to_obo()
@staticmethod def _escape(s) -> str: return s.replace("\n", "\\n").replace('"', '\\"')
def _sort_relations(r): typedef, _references = r return or typedef.reference.identifier class BioregistryError(ValueError): def __str__(self) -> str: return dedent( f""" The value you gave for Obo.ontology field ({self.args[0]}) is not a canonical Bioregistry prefix in the Obo.ontology field. Please see for valid prefixes or feel free to open an issue on the PyOBO issue tracker for support. """ )
[docs]@dataclass class Obo: """An OBO document.""" #: The prefix for the ontology ontology: ClassVar[str] #: The name of the ontology. If not given, tries looking up with the Bioregistry. name: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None #: The OBO format format_version: ClassVar[str] = "1.2" #: Type definitions typedefs: ClassVar[Optional[List[TypeDef]]] = None #: Synonym type definitions synonym_typedefs: ClassVar[Optional[List[SynonymTypeDef]]] = None #: An annotation about how an ontology was generated auto_generated_by: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None #: The idspaces used in the document idspaces: ClassVar[Optional[Mapping[str, str]]] = None #: For super-sized datasets that shouldn't be read into memory iter_only: ClassVar[bool] = False #: Set to true for resources that are unversioned/very dynamic, like HGNC dynamic_version: ClassVar[bool] = False #: Set to a static version for the resource (i.e., the resource is not itself versioned) static_version: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None bioversions_key: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None #: The date the ontology was generated date: Optional[datetime] = field( #: The ontology version data_version: Optional[str] = None #: Should this ontology be reloaded? force: bool = False #: The hierarchy of terms _hierarchy: Optional[nx.DiGraph] = field(init=False, default=None, repr=False) #: A cache of terms _items: Optional[List[Term]] = field(init=False, default=None, repr=False) def __post_init__(self): """Run post-init checks.""" if self.ontology != bioregistry.normalize_prefix(self.ontology): raise BioregistryError(self.ontology) # The type ignores are because of the hack where we override the # class variables in the instance if is None: = bioregistry.get_name(self.ontology) # type:ignore if not self.data_version: if self.static_version: self.data_version = self.static_version else: self.data_version = self._get_version() if not self.dynamic_version: if self.data_version is None: raise ValueError(f"{self.ontology} is missing data_version") elif "/" in self.data_version: raise ValueError(f"{self.ontology} has a slash in version: {self.data_version}") if self.auto_generated_by is None: self.auto_generated_by = f"bio2obo:{self.ontology}" # type:ignore def _get_version(self) -> Optional[str]: if self.bioversions_key: import bioversions try: return bioversions.get_version(self.bioversions_key) except KeyError: logger.warning(f"[{self.bioversions_key}] bioversions doesn't list this resource ") except IOError: logger.warning(f"[{self.bioversions_key}] error while looking up version") return None @property def _version_or_raise(self) -> str: if not self.data_version: raise ValueError(f"There is no version available for {self.ontology}") return self.data_version
[docs] def iter_terms(self, force: bool = False) -> Iterable[Term]: """Iterate over terms in this ontology.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def cli(cls) -> None: """Run the CLI for this class.""" cli = cls.get_cls_cli() cli()
[docs] @classmethod def get_cls_cli(cls) -> click.Command: """Get the CLI for this class.""" @click.command() @verbose_option @force_option @click.option("--owl", is_flag=True, help="Write OWL via ROBOT") @click.option("--graph", is_flag=True, help="Write OBO Graph JSON via ROBOT") @click.option( "--version", help="Specify data version to get. Use this if bioversions is acting up." ) def _main(force: bool, owl: bool, graph: bool, version: Optional[str]): inst = cls(force=force, data_version=version) inst.write_default( write_obograph=graph, write_obo=True, write_owl=owl, force=force, use_tqdm=True, ) return _main
@property def date_formatted(self) -> str: """Get the date as a formatted string.""" return ( if else def _iter_terms(self, use_tqdm: bool = False, desc: str = "terms") -> Iterable[Term]: if use_tqdm: total: Optional[int] try: total = len(self._items_accessor) except TypeError: total = None yield from tqdm(self, desc=desc, unit_scale=True, unit="term", total=total) else: yield from self
[docs] def iterate_obo_lines(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate over the lines to write in an OBO file.""" yield f"format-version: {self.format_version}" yield f"date: {self.date_formatted}" if self.auto_generated_by is not None: yield f"auto-generated-by: {self.auto_generated_by}" if self.data_version is not None: yield f"data-version: {self.data_version}" for prefix, url in sorted((self.idspaces or {}).items()): yield f"idspace: {prefix} {url}" for synonym_typedef in sorted((self.synonym_typedefs or []), key=attrgetter("id")): yield synonym_typedef.to_obo() yield f"ontology: {self.ontology}" if is None: raise ValueError("ontology is missing name") yield f"remark: {}" for typedef in sorted(self.typedefs or [], key=attrgetter("curie")): yield from typedef.iterate_obo_lines() for term in self: yield from term.iterate_obo_lines()
[docs] @open_file(1, mode="w") def write_obo( self, file: Union[None, str, TextIO, Path] = None, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> None: """Write the OBO to a file.""" it = self.iterate_obo_lines() if use_tqdm: it = tqdm(it, desc=f"Writing {self.ontology}", unit_scale=True, unit="line") self._write_lines(it, file)
@staticmethod def _write_lines(it, file): for line in it: print(line, file=file) # noqa: T201
[docs] def write_obonet_gz(self, path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Write the OBO to a gzipped dump in Obonet JSON.""" graph = self.to_obonet() with, "wt") as file: json.dump(nx.node_link_data(graph), file)
def _path(self, *parts: str, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Path: return prefix_directory_join(self.ontology, *parts, name=name, version=self.data_version) def _cache(self, *parts: str, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Path: return self._path("cache", *parts, name=name) @property def _names_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="names.tsv") @property def _definitions_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="definitions.tsv") @property def _species_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="species.tsv") @property def _synonyms_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="synonyms.tsv") @property def _alts_path(self): return self._cache(name="alt_ids.tsv") @property def _typedefs_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="typedefs.tsv") @property def _xrefs_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="xrefs.tsv") @property def _relations_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="relations.tsv") @property def _properties_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="properties.tsv") @property def _root_metadata_path(self) -> Path: return prefix_directory_join(self.ontology, name="metadata.json") @property def _versioned_metadata_path(self) -> Path: return self._cache(name="metadata.json") @property def _obo_path(self) -> Path: return get_prefix_obo_path(self.ontology, version=self.data_version) @property def _obograph_path(self) -> Path: return self._path(name=f"{self.ontology}.json.gz") @property def _owl_path(self) -> Path: return self._path(name=f"{self.ontology}.owl") @property def _obonet_gz_path(self) -> Path: return self._path(name=f"{self.ontology}.obonet.json.gz")
[docs] def write_default( self, use_tqdm: bool = False, force: bool = False, write_obo: bool = False, write_obonet: bool = False, write_obograph: bool = False, write_owl: bool = False, ) -> None: """Write the OBO to the default path.""" metadata = self.get_metadata() for path in (self._root_metadata_path, self._versioned_metadata_path): logger.debug("[%s v%s] caching metadata to %s", self.ontology, self.data_version, path) with"w") as file: json.dump(metadata, file, indent=2) logger.debug( "[%s v%s] caching typedefs to %s", self.ontology, self.data_version, self._typedefs_path ) typedef_df: pd.DataFrame = self.get_typedef_df() typedef_df.sort_values(list(typedef_df.columns), inplace=True) typedef_df.to_csv(self._typedefs_path, sep="\t", index=False) for label, path, header, fn in [ ("names", self._names_path, [f"{self.ontology}_id", "name"], self.iterate_id_name), ( "definitions", self._definitions_path, [f"{self.ontology}_id", "definition"], self.iterate_id_definition, ), ( "species", self._species_path, [f"{self.ontology}_id", "taxonomy_id"], self.iterate_id_species, ), ( "synonyms", self._synonyms_path, [f"{self.ontology}_id", "synonym"], self.iterate_synonym_rows, ), ("alts", self._alts_path, [f"{self.ontology}_id", "alt_id"], self.iterate_alt_rows), ("xrefs", self._xrefs_path, self.xrefs_header, self.iterate_xref_rows), ("relations", self._relations_path, self.relations_header, self.iter_relation_rows), ("properties", self._properties_path, self.properties_header, self.iter_property_rows), ]: if path.exists() and not force: continue logger.debug("[%s v%s] caching %s to %s", self.ontology, self.data_version, label, path) write_iterable_tsv( path=path, header=header, it=fn(), # type:ignore ) for relation in (is_a, has_part, part_of, from_species, orthologous): if relation is not is_a and self.typedefs is not None and relation not in self.typedefs: continue relations_path = self._cache("relations", name=f"{relation.curie}.tsv") if relations_path.exists() and not force: continue logger.debug( "[%s v%s] caching relation %s ! %s", self.ontology, self.data_version, relation.curie,, ) relation_df = self.get_filtered_relations_df(relation) if not len(relation_df.index): continue relation_df.sort_values(list(relation_df.columns), inplace=True) relation_df.to_csv(relations_path, sep="\t", index=False) if (write_obo or write_obograph or write_owl) and (not self._obo_path.exists() or force): self.write_obo(self._obo_path, use_tqdm=use_tqdm) if write_obograph: obo_to_obograph(self._obo_path, self._obograph_path) if write_owl: obo_to_owl(self._obo_path, self._owl_path) if write_obonet and (not self._obonet_gz_path.exists() or force): logger.debug("writing obonet to %s", self._obonet_gz_path) self.write_obonet_gz(self._obonet_gz_path)
@property def _items_accessor(self): if self._items is None: self._items = sorted(self.iter_terms(force=self.force), key=attrgetter("curie")) return self._items def __iter__(self) -> Iterator["Term"]: # noqa: D105 if self.iter_only: return iter(self.iter_terms(force=self.force)) return iter(self._items_accessor)
[docs] def ancestors(self, identifier: str) -> Set[str]: """Return a set of identifiers for parents of the given identifier.""" return nx.descendants(self.hierarchy, identifier) # note this is backwards
[docs] def descendants(self, identifier: str) -> Set[str]: """Return a set of identifiers for the children of the given identifier.""" return nx.ancestors(self.hierarchy, identifier) # note this is backwards
[docs] def is_descendant(self, descendant: str, ancestor: str) -> bool: """Return if the given identifier is a descendent of the ancestor. .. code-block:: python from pyobo import get_obo obo = get_obo('go') interleukin_10_complex = '1905571' # interleukin-10 receptor complex all_complexes = '0032991' assert obo.is_descendant('1905571', '0032991') """ return ancestor in self.ancestors(descendant)
@property def hierarchy(self) -> nx.DiGraph: """A graph representing the parent/child relationships between the entities. To get all children of a given entity, do: .. code-block:: python from pyobo import get_obo obo = get_obo('go') identifier = '1905571' # interleukin-10 receptor complex is_complex = '0032991' in nx.descendants(obo.hierarchy, identifier) # should be true """ # noqa:D401 if self._hierarchy is None: self._hierarchy = nx.DiGraph() for term in self._iter_terms(desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting hierarchy"): for parent in term.parents: self._hierarchy.add_edge(term.identifier, parent.identifier) return self._hierarchy
[docs] def to_obonet(self: "Obo", *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: """Export as a :mod`obonet` style graph.""" rv = nx.MultiDiGraph() rv.graph.update( { "name":, "ontology": self.ontology, "auto-generated-by": self.auto_generated_by, "typedefs": _convert_typedefs(self.typedefs), "format-version": self.format_version, "data-version": self.data_version, "synonymtypedef": _convert_synonym_typedefs(self.synonym_typedefs), "date": self.date_formatted, } ) nodes = {} links = [] for term in self._iter_terms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm): parents = [] for parent in term.parents: if parent is None: raise ValueError("parent should not be none!") links.append((term.curie, "is_a", parent.curie)) parents.append(parent.curie) relations = [] for typedef, target in term.iterate_relations(): if target is None: raise ValueError("target should not be none!") relations.append(f"{typedef.curie} {target.curie}") links.append((term.curie, typedef.curie, target.curie)) d = { "id": term.curie, "name":, "def": term.definition and term._definition_fp(), "xref": [xref.curie for xref in term.xrefs], "is_a": parents, "relationship": relations, "synonym": [synonym._fp() for synonym in term.synonyms], "property_value": [ f"{prop} {value}" for prop, values in for value in values ], } nodes[term.curie] = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v} rv.add_nodes_from(nodes.items()) for _source, _key, _target in links: rv.add_edge(_source, _target, key=_key) "[%s v%s] exported graph with %d nodes", self.ontology, self.data_version, rv.number_of_nodes(), ) return rv
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Get metadata.""" return dict( version=self.data_version, and, )
[docs] def iterate_ids(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate over identifiers.""" for term in self._iter_terms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting names"): if term.prefix == self.ontology: yield term.identifier
[docs] def get_ids(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Set[str]: """Get the set of identifiers.""" return set(self.iterate_ids(use_tqdm=use_tqdm))
[docs] def iterate_id_name(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: """Iterate identifier name pairs.""" for term in self._iter_terms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting names"): if yield term.identifier,
[docs] def get_id_name_mapping(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a mapping from identifiers to names.""" return dict(self.iterate_id_name(use_tqdm=use_tqdm))
[docs] def iterate_id_definition(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: """Iterate over pairs of terms' identifiers and their respective definitions.""" for term in self._iter_terms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting names"): if term.identifier and term.definition: yield term.identifier, term.definition.strip('"').replace("\n", " ").replace( "\t", " " ).replace(" ", " ")
[docs] def get_id_definition_mapping(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a mapping from identifiers to definitions.""" return dict(self.iterate_id_definition(use_tqdm=use_tqdm))
############ # TYPEDEFS # ############
[docs] def iterate_id_species( self, *, prefix: Optional[str] = None, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: """Iterate over terms' identifiers and respective species (if available).""" if prefix is None: prefix = NCBITAXON_PREFIX for term in self._iter_terms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting species"): species = term.get_species(prefix=prefix) if species: yield term.identifier, species.identifier
[docs] def get_id_species_mapping( self, *, prefix: Optional[str] = None, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a mapping from identifiers to species.""" return dict(self.iterate_id_species(prefix=prefix, use_tqdm=use_tqdm))
############ # TYPEDEFS # ############
[docs] def get_typedef_df(self, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get a typedef dataframe.""" rows = [ (typedef.prefix, typedef.identifier, for typedef in tqdm(self.typedefs or [], disable=not use_tqdm) ] return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=["prefix", "identifier", "name"])
[docs] def iter_typedef_id_name(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: """Iterate over typedefs' identifiers and their respective names.""" for typedef in self.typedefs or []: yield typedef.identifier,
[docs] def get_typedef_id_name_mapping(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a mapping from typedefs' identifiers to names.""" return dict(self.iter_typedef_id_name())
######### # PROPS # #########
[docs] def iterate_properties(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, str, str]]: """Iterate over tuples of terms, properties, and their values.""" # TODO if property_prefix is set, try removing that as a prefix from all prop strings. for term in self._iter_terms( use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting properties" ): for prop, value in term.iterate_properties(): yield term, prop, value
@property def properties_header(self): """Property dataframe header.""" # noqa:D401 return [f"{self.ontology}_id", "property", "value"]
[docs] def iter_property_rows(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]]: """Iterate property rows.""" for term, prop, value in self.iterate_properties(use_tqdm=use_tqdm): yield term.identifier, prop, value
[docs] def get_properties_df(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get all properties as a dataframe.""" return pd.DataFrame( list(self.iter_property_rows(use_tqdm=use_tqdm)), columns=self.properties_header, )
[docs] def iterate_filtered_properties( self, prop: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, str]]: """Iterate over tuples of terms and the values for the given property.""" for term in self._iter_terms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm): for _prop, value in term.iterate_properties(): if _prop == prop: yield term, value
[docs] def get_filtered_properties_df(self, prop: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get a dataframe of terms' identifiers to the given property's values.""" return pd.DataFrame( list(self.get_filtered_properties_mapping(prop, use_tqdm=use_tqdm).items()), columns=[f"{self.ontology}_id", prop], )
[docs] def get_filtered_properties_mapping( self, prop: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a mapping from a term's identifier to the property. .. warning:: Assumes there's only one version of the property for each term. """ return { term.identifier: value for term, value in self.iterate_filtered_properties(prop, use_tqdm=use_tqdm) }
[docs] def get_filtered_properties_multimapping( self, prop: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]: """Get a mapping from a term's identifier to the property values.""" return multidict( (term.identifier, value) for term, value in self.iterate_filtered_properties(prop, use_tqdm=use_tqdm) )
############# # RELATIONS # #############
[docs] def iterate_relations( self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, TypeDef, Reference]]: """Iterate over tuples of terms, relations, and their targets.""" for term in self._iter_terms( use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting relations" ): for parent in term.parents: yield term, is_a, parent for typedef, reference in term.iterate_relations(): if (self.typedefs is None or typedef not in self.typedefs) and ( typedef.prefix, typedef.identifier, ) not in default_typedefs: raise ValueError(f"Undefined typedef: {typedef.curie} ! {}") yield term, typedef, reference
[docs] def iter_relation_rows( self, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]: """Iterate the relations' rows.""" for term, typedef, reference in self.iterate_relations(use_tqdm=use_tqdm): yield term.identifier, typedef.prefix, typedef.identifier, reference.prefix, reference.identifier
[docs] def iterate_filtered_relations( self, relation: RelationHint, *, use_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, Reference]]: """Iterate over tuples of terms and ther targets for the given relation.""" _target_prefix, _target_identifier = get_reference_tuple(relation) for term, typedef, reference in self.iterate_relations(use_tqdm=use_tqdm): if typedef.prefix == _target_prefix and typedef.identifier == _target_identifier: yield term, reference
@property def relations_header(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Header for the relations dataframe.""" # noqa:D401 return [f"{self.ontology}_id", RELATION_PREFIX, RELATION_ID, TARGET_PREFIX, TARGET_ID]
[docs] def get_relations_df(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get all relations from the OBO.""" return pd.DataFrame( list(self.iter_relation_rows(use_tqdm=use_tqdm)), columns=self.relations_header, )
[docs] def get_filtered_relations_df( self, relation: RelationHint, *, use_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get a specific relation from OBO.""" return pd.DataFrame( [ (term.identifier, reference.prefix, reference.identifier) for term, reference in self.iterate_filtered_relations(relation, use_tqdm=use_tqdm) ], columns=[f"{self.ontology}_id", TARGET_PREFIX, TARGET_ID], )
[docs] def iterate_filtered_relations_filtered_targets( self, relation: RelationHint, target_prefix: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, Reference]]: """Iterate over relationships between one identifier and another.""" for term, reference in self.iterate_filtered_relations( relation=relation, use_tqdm=use_tqdm ): if reference.prefix == target_prefix: yield term, reference
[docs] def get_relation_mapping( self, relation: RelationHint, target_prefix: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a mapping from the term's identifier to the target's identifier. .. warning:: Assumes there's only one version of the property for each term. Example usage: get homology between HGNC and MGI: >>> from pyobo.sources.hgnc import get_obo >>> obo = get_obo() >>> human_mapt_hgnc_id = '6893' >>> mouse_mapt_mgi_id = '97180' >>> hgnc_mgi_orthology_mapping = obo.get_relation_mapping('ro:HOM0000017', 'mgi') >>> assert mouse_mapt_mgi_id == hgnc_mgi_orthology_mapping[human_mapt_hgnc_id] """ return { term.identifier: reference.identifier for term, reference in self.iterate_filtered_relations_filtered_targets( relation=relation, target_prefix=target_prefix, use_tqdm=use_tqdm, ) }
[docs] def get_relation( self, source_identifier: str, relation: RelationHint, target_prefix: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> Optional[str]: """Get the value for a bijective relation mapping between this resource and a target resource. >>> from pyobo.sources.hgnc import get_obo >>> obo = get_obo() >>> human_mapt_hgnc_id = '6893' >>> mouse_mapt_mgi_id = '97180' >>> assert mouse_mapt_mgi_id == obo.get_relation(human_mapt_hgnc_id, 'ro:HOM0000017', 'mgi') """ relation_mapping = self.get_relation_mapping( relation=relation, target_prefix=target_prefix, use_tqdm=use_tqdm ) return relation_mapping.get(source_identifier)
[docs] def get_relation_multimapping( self, relation: RelationHint, target_prefix: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]: """Get a mapping from the term's identifier to the target's identifiers.""" return multidict( (term.identifier, reference.identifier) for term, reference in self.iterate_filtered_relations_filtered_targets( relation=relation, target_prefix=target_prefix, use_tqdm=use_tqdm, ) )
[docs] def get_id_multirelations_mapping( self, typedef: TypeDef, *, use_tqdm: bool = False, ) -> Mapping[str, List[Reference]]: """Get a mapping from identifiers to a list of all references for the given relation.""" return multidict( (term.identifier, reference) for term in self._iter_terms( use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting {typedef.curie}" ) for reference in term.get_relationships(typedef) )
############ # SYNONYMS # ############
[docs] def iterate_synonyms(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, Synonym]]: """Iterate over pairs of term and synonym object.""" for term in self._iter_terms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting synonyms"): for synonym in sorted(term.synonyms, key=attrgetter("name")): yield term, synonym
[docs] def iterate_synonym_rows(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: """Iterate over pairs of identifier and synonym text.""" for term, synonym in self.iterate_synonyms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm): yield term.identifier,
[docs] def get_id_synonyms_mapping(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]: """Get a mapping from identifiers to a list of sorted synonym strings.""" return multidict(self.iterate_synonym_rows(use_tqdm=use_tqdm))
######### # XREFS # #########
[docs] def iterate_xrefs(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, Reference]]: """Iterate over xrefs.""" for term in self._iter_terms(use_tqdm=use_tqdm, desc=f"[{self.ontology}] getting xrefs"): for xref in term.xrefs: yield term, xref
[docs] def iterate_filtered_xrefs( self, prefix: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, Reference]]: """Iterate over xrefs to a given prefix.""" for term, xref in self.iterate_xrefs(use_tqdm=use_tqdm): if xref.prefix == prefix: yield term, xref
[docs] def iterate_xref_rows(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]]: """Iterate over terms' identifiers, xref prefixes, and xref identifiers.""" for term, xref in self.iterate_xrefs(use_tqdm=use_tqdm): yield term.identifier, xref.prefix, xref.identifier
@property def xrefs_header(self): """The header for the xref dataframe.""" # noqa:D401 return [f"{self.ontology}_id", TARGET_PREFIX, TARGET_ID]
[docs] def get_xrefs_df(self, *, use_tqdm: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get a dataframe of all xrefs extracted from the OBO document.""" return pd.DataFrame( list(self.iterate_xref_rows(use_tqdm=use_tqdm)), columns=[f"{self.ontology}_id", TARGET_PREFIX, TARGET_ID], ).drop_duplicates()
[docs] def get_filtered_xrefs_mapping( self, prefix: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get filtered xrefs as a dictionary.""" return { term.identifier: xref.identifier for term, xref in self.iterate_filtered_xrefs(prefix, use_tqdm=use_tqdm) }
[docs] def get_filtered_multixrefs_mapping( self, prefix: str, *, use_tqdm: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]: """Get filtered xrefs as a dictionary.""" return multidict( (term.identifier, xref.identifier) for term, xref in self.iterate_filtered_xrefs(prefix, use_tqdm=use_tqdm) )
######## # ALTS # ########
[docs] def iterate_alts(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[Term, Reference]]: """Iterate over alternative identifiers.""" for term in self: for alt in term.alt_ids: yield term, alt
[docs] def iterate_alt_rows(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]: """Iterate over pairs of terms' primary identifiers and alternate identifiers.""" for term, alt in self.iterate_alts(): yield term.identifier, alt.identifier
[docs] def get_id_alts_mapping(self) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]: """Get a mapping from identifiers to a list of alternative identifiers.""" return multidict((term.identifier, alt.identifier) for term, alt in self.iterate_alts())
def make_ad_hoc_ontology( _ontology: str, _name: str, _auto_generated_by: Optional[str] = None, _format_version: str = "1.2", _typedefs: Optional[List[TypeDef]] = None, _synonym_typedefs: Optional[List[SynonymTypeDef]] = None, _date: Optional[datetime] = None, _data_version: Optional[str] = None, *, terms: List[Term], ) -> "Obo": """Make an ad-hoc ontology.""" class AdHocOntology(Obo): """An ad hoc ontology created from an OBO file.""" ontology = _ontology name = _name auto_generated_by = _auto_generated_by format_version = _format_version typedefs = _typedefs synonym_typedefs = _synonym_typedefs def __post_init__(self): = _date self.data_version = _data_version def iter_terms(self, force: bool = False) -> Iterable[Term]: """Iterate over terms in the ad hoc ontology.""" return terms return AdHocOntology() def _convert_typedefs(typedefs: Optional[Iterable[TypeDef]]) -> List[Mapping[str, Any]]: """Convert the type defs.""" if not typedefs: return [] return [_convert_typedef(typedef) for typedef in typedefs] def _convert_typedef(typedef: TypeDef) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Convert a type def.""" # TODO add more later return typedef.reference.to_dict() def _convert_synonym_typedefs(synonym_typedefs: Optional[Iterable[SynonymTypeDef]]) -> List[str]: """Convert the synonym type defs.""" if not synonym_typedefs: return [] return [_convert_synonym_typedef(synonym_typedef) for synonym_typedef in synonym_typedefs] def _convert_synonym_typedef(synonym_typedef: SynonymTypeDef) -> str: return f'{} "{}"'