Source code for pyobo.api.names

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""High-level API for nomenclature."""

import logging
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Callable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, TypeVar

from .alts import get_primary_identifier
from .utils import get_version
from ..getters import NoBuild, get_ontology
from ..identifier_utils import normalize_curie, wrap_norm_prefix
from ..utils.cache import cached_collection, cached_mapping, cached_multidict
from ..utils.path import prefix_cache_join

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_name_by_curie(curie: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the name for a CURIE, if possible.""" prefix, identifier = normalize_curie(curie) if prefix and identifier: return get_name(prefix, identifier) return None
X = TypeVar("X") def _help_get(f: Callable[[str], Mapping[str, X]], prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[X]: """Get the result for an entity based on a mapping maker function ``f``.""" try: mapping = f(prefix) except NoBuild: logger.warning("[%s] unable to look up results with %s", prefix, f) return None if not mapping: logger.warning("[%s] no results produced with %s", prefix, f) return None primary_id = get_primary_identifier(prefix, identifier) return mapping.get(primary_id)
[docs]@wrap_norm_prefix def get_name(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the name for an entity.""" return _help_get(get_id_name_mapping, prefix, identifier)
[docs]@lru_cache() @wrap_norm_prefix def get_ids( prefix: str, force: bool = False, strict: bool = True, version: Optional[str] = None ) -> Set[str]: """Get the set of identifiers for this prefix.""" if prefix == "ncbigene": from ..sources.ncbigene import get_ncbigene_ids"[%s] loading name mappings", prefix) rv = get_ncbigene_ids()"[%s] done loading name mappings", prefix) return rv if version is None: version = get_version(prefix) path = prefix_cache_join(prefix, name="ids.tsv", version=version) @cached_collection(path=path, force=force) def _get_ids() -> Set[str]: if force:"[%s v%s] forcing reload for names", prefix, version) else: logger.debug( "[%s v%s] no cached identifiers found. getting from OBO loader", prefix, version ) ontology = get_ontology(prefix, force=force, strict=strict, version=version) return ontology.get_ids() return set(_get_ids())
[docs]@lru_cache() @wrap_norm_prefix def get_id_name_mapping( prefix: str, force: bool = False, strict: bool = True, version: Optional[str] = None ) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get an identifier to name mapping for the OBO file.""" if prefix == "ncbigene": from ..sources.ncbigene import get_ncbigene_id_to_name_mapping"[%s] loading name mappings", prefix) rv = get_ncbigene_id_to_name_mapping()"[%s] done loading name mappings", prefix) return rv if version is None: version = get_version(prefix) path = prefix_cache_join(prefix, name="names.tsv", version=version) @cached_mapping(path=path, header=[f"{prefix}_id", "name"], force=force) def _get_id_name_mapping() -> Mapping[str, str]: if force: logger.debug("[%s v%s] forcing reload for names", prefix, version) else: logger.debug("[%s v%s] no cached names found. getting from OBO loader", prefix, version) ontology = get_ontology(prefix, force=force, strict=strict, version=version) return ontology.get_id_name_mapping() return _get_id_name_mapping()
[docs]@lru_cache() @wrap_norm_prefix def get_name_id_mapping(prefix: str, force: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a name to identifier mapping for the OBO file.""" id_name = get_id_name_mapping(prefix=prefix, force=force) return {v: k for k, v in id_name.items()}
[docs]@wrap_norm_prefix def get_definition(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the definition for an entity.""" return _help_get(get_id_definition_mapping, prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_id_definition_mapping( prefix: str, force: bool = False, strict: bool = True, version: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get a mapping of descriptions.""" if version is None: version = get_version(prefix) path = prefix_cache_join(prefix, name="definitions.tsv", version=version) @cached_mapping(path=path, header=[f"{prefix}_id", "definition"], force=force) def _get_mapping() -> Mapping[str, str]: "[%s v%s] no cached descriptions found. getting from OBO loader", prefix, version ) ontology = get_ontology(prefix, force=force, strict=strict, version=version) return ontology.get_id_definition_mapping() return _get_mapping()
[docs]@wrap_norm_prefix def get_synonyms(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: """Get the synonyms for an entity.""" return _help_get(get_id_synonyms_mapping, prefix, identifier)
[docs]@wrap_norm_prefix def get_id_synonyms_mapping( prefix: str, force: bool = False, strict: bool = True, version: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]: """Get the OBO file and output a synonym dictionary.""" if version is None: version = get_version(prefix) path = prefix_cache_join(prefix, name="synonyms.tsv", version=version) @cached_multidict(path=path, header=[f"{prefix}_id", "synonym"], force=force) def _get_multidict() -> Mapping[str, List[str]]:"[%s v%s] no cached synonyms found. getting from OBO loader", prefix, version) ontology = get_ontology(prefix, force=force, strict=strict, version=version) return ontology.get_id_synonyms_mapping() return _get_multidict()