Source code for pyobo.xrefdb.sources

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Sources of xrefs not from OBO."""

import logging
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Mapping, Optional

import pandas as pd
from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
from import tqdm

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_xref_plugins() -> Mapping[str, Callable[[], pd.DataFrame]]:
    return { entry.load() for entry in iter_entry_points(group="pyobo.xrefs")}

[docs]def has_xref_plugin(prefix: str) -> bool: """Check if there's a plugin for converting the prefix.""" return prefix in _get_xref_plugins()
[docs]def run_xref_plugin(prefix: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get a converted PyOBO source.""" rv = _get_xref_plugins()[prefix]() if isinstance(rv, pd.DataFrame): return rv logger.warning("can not load %s since it yields many dataframes", prefix)
[docs]def iter_xref_plugins( use_tqdm: bool = True, skip_below: Optional[str] = None ) -> Iterable[pd.DataFrame]: """Get all modules in the PyOBO sources.""" it = tqdm(sorted(_get_xref_plugins().items()), desc="Mapping Plugins", disable=not use_tqdm) for prefix, get_df in it: if skip_below and prefix < skip_below: continue it.set_postfix({"prefix": prefix}) rv = get_df() if isinstance(rv, pd.DataFrame): yield rv elif isinstance(rv, Iterable): yield from rv else: raise TypeError